
FluidLab is part of the FluidDyn project. Some issues regarding the installation of Python packages are discussed in the main documentation of the project.


Fluidlab uses some very common scientific Python packages. They will be installed automatically during fluidlab install but it can actually be better to install them before.

  • Numpy, Matplotlib, h5py

Other dependencies will be installed automatically and you do not have to worry about:

  • pyusb, minimalmodbus

Optional dependencies

Some packages are used for some quite particular tasks. Just install them if needed:

  • Cython, Scipy

We give some advises for packages that are not very easy to install:

Install commands

The simplest way to install fluidlab is by using pip:

pip install fluidlab

However, since the package is still in alpha phase (testing for developers), it is often useful to install it from source in “develop” mode. To download the source, the easier is to use Mercurial:

hg clone
cd fluidlab
python develop

After the installation, try to run the unit tests by running make tests from the root directory or python -m unittest discover from the root directory or from any of the “test” directories.