Source code for fluidlab.instruments.scope.agilent_dsox2014a


.. autoclass:: AgilentDSOX2014a

This class was tested also on Agilent DSO-X 3014A.

import numpy as np

from fluidlab.instruments.iec60488 import (

from fluidlab.instruments.features import (

__all__ = ["AgilentDSOX2014a"]

[docs]class AgilentDSOX2014a( IEC60488, Trigger, ObjectIdentification, StoredSetting, Learn ): """Driver for the oscilloscope Agilent DSOX2014a."""
[docs] def get_curve( self, channel=1, nb_points=65535, acquire=True, format_output="byte" ): """Acquire and return two Numpy arrays (time and data). Parameters ---------- channel: int or Iterable of ints The channels to get data from nb_points : int The number of points that have to be returned (max is 65535) acquire: bool if True, starts a single acquisition if False, get data without restarting digitization format_output : string The format of the data that is sent from the scope. Has to be in ['ascii', 'byte']. """ if format_output not in ["ascii", "byte"]: raise ValueError('format_output must be "ascii" or "byte"') if not isinstance(channel, int): data_list = [] for ii, chan in enumerate(channel): t, d = self.get_curve( chan, nb_points, acquire if ii == 0 else False, format_output ) data_list.append(d) return (t, *data_list) # prepare the acquisition if acquire: self.interface.write(":DIGitize") self.interface.write(":WAVeform:FORMat " + format_output) self.interface.write(":WAVeform:POINts " + str(nb_points)) self.interface.write(f":WAVeform:SOURce CHAN{channel}") # read the raw data self.interface.write(":WAVeform:DATA?") raw_data = self.interface.read_raw() if raw_data[0] != ord("#"): print(raw_data[0]) raise ValueError("Bad response from Oscillo") nbytes = int(chr(raw_data[1])) nbytes_total = int(raw_data[2 : (nbytes + 2)]) # parse the raw data # waveform:preamble returns information for the waveform source: # - format (0 for BYTE, 1 for WORD, 2 for ASCii) # - type (2 for AVERage, 0 for NORMal, 1 for PEAK detect) # - points # - count (Average count or 1 if PEAK or NORMal) # - xincrement # - xorigin # - xreference # - yincrement # - yorigin # - yreference pre = [ float(s) for s in self.interface.query(":WAVeform:PREamble?").split(",") ] xincrement = pre[4] xorigin = pre[5] xreference = pre[6] if format_output == "ascii": data = np.array( [float(s) for s in raw_data[(nbytes + 2) :].split(",")] ) elif format_output == "byte": yincrement = pre[7] yorigin = pre[8] yreference = pre[9] data = np.array( [ (s - yreference) * yincrement + yorigin for s in raw_data[(nbytes + 2) : -1] ] ) time = np.array( [(s - xreference) * xincrement + xorigin for s in range(nbytes_total)] ) return time, data
features = [ WriteCommand( "autoscale", doc="Autoscale the oscilloscope.", command_str=":AUTOscale" ), IntValue( "nb_points", doc="The number of points returned.", command_set=":WAVeform:POINts", ), FloatValue( "timebase_range", doc="""The time for 10 division in seconds.""", command_set=":TIMebase:RANGe", ), FloatValue( "trigger_level", doc="""The trigger level voltage for the active trigger source.""", command_set=":TRIGger:LEVel", ), ] for channel in range(1, 3): features += [ FloatValue( f"channel{channel}_probe_attenuation", doc="""The probe attenuation ratio.""", command_set=f":CHANnel{channel}:PROBe", ), FloatValue( f"channel{channel}_range", doc="""The vertical full-scale range value (in volt).""", command_set=f":CHANnel{channel}:range", ), FloatValue( f"channel{channel}_scale", doc="""The number of units per division of the channel.""", command_set=f":CHANnel{channel}:SCALe", ), StringValue( f"channel{channel}_coupling", doc="""The type of input coupling for the channel. It can be set to "AC" or "DC".""", command_set=f":CHANnel{channel}:COUPling", valid_values=["ac", "dc"], ), BoolValue( f"channel{channel}_display", doc="""A boolean setting the display of the channel.""", command_set=f":CHANnel{channel}:DISPlay", ), ] AgilentDSOX2014a._build_class_with_features(features) if __name__ == "__main__": scope = AgilentDSOX2014a(interface="USB0::0x0957::0x17A8::MY55390593::INSTR")