Source code for fluidlab.objects.mscti_probes

"""Probes (:mod:`fluidlab.objects.mscti_probes`)

.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: MSCTIProbe


from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import query
from fluidlab.daq.daqmx import read_analog

import h5py

import time

def _isarray(a):
    return isinstance(a, (np.ndarray, np.generic))

def load_calibration(path):
    """Loads the data from the previous calibrations."""
    rho, voltrho, T, voltT, date = [], [], [], [], []

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        print("No calibration file " + path)
        with h5py.File(path, "r") as f:
            rho = f["rho"].value
            voltrho = f["voltrho"].value

            if "T" in f.keys():
                T = f["T"].value
                voltT = f["voltT"].value
            date = f["date"].value

    return rho, voltrho, T, voltT, date

[docs]class MSCTIProbe: """Represent a MSCTI conductivity (+ temperature) probe. Parameters ---------- """ def __init__( self, channels=["Dev1/ai1", "Dev1/ai2"], sample_rate=100, Vmin=-5, Vmax=5, mode="Diff", files_calib=None, ): if files_calib is None: files_calib = ["calib_mscti_rho", "calib_mscti_temp"] self.channels = channels self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.Vmin = Vmin self.Vmax = Vmax self.mode = mode self.files_calib = files_calib self.voltToff = -4.9962 # tension when temperature probe is unplugged # (constructor info) self._has_temp = len(files_calib) > 1 # load saved calibration rho_old, voltrho_old, T_old, voltT_old, date_old = self.load_calibration( "rho" ) if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size > 1: self.fit_rho_vs_voltrho(rho_old, voltrho_old) if self._has_temp: ( rho_old, voltrho_old, T_old, voltT_old, date_old, ) = self.load_calibration("T") if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size > 1: self.fit_T_vs_voltT(T_old, voltT_old)
[docs] def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate): """Sets the sample rate.""" self.sample_rate = sample_rate
[docs] def set_mode(self, mode): """Sets the mode.""" self.mode = mode
[docs] def set_Vmin(self, Vmin): """Sets Vmin.""" self.Vmin = Vmin
[docs] def set_Vmax(self, Vmax): """Sets Vmin.""" self.Vmax = Vmax
[docs] def set_files_calib(self, files_calib): """Sets the file calib.""" self.files_calib = files_calib
# ########################################################################## # MEASUREMENTS
[docs] def measure_volts( self, duration, path_save=None, sample_rate=None, return_time=True, verbose=False, ): """Measure and return the times and voltages. Parameters ---------- duration : (in s) """ if path_save is None: save = False else: save = True if not return_time and save: print( "the times are important for acquisition, " "return_time is set to True automatically" ) return_time = True if sample_rate is not None and sample_rate != self.sample_rate: self.set_sample_rate(sample_rate) nb = int(abs(np.round(duration * self.sample_rate))) volts = read_analog( self.channels, self.mode, self.Vmin, self.Vmax, nb, self.sample_rate ) if verbose: print("conductivity volts:\n", volts[0]) print("mean of conductictivity volts:", volts[0].mean()) if self._has_temp: print("temperature volts:\n", volts[1]) print("mean of temperature volts:", volts[1].mean()) if return_time: ts = 1.0 / self.sample_rate * np.arange(1, nb + 1) if save: if not path_save.endswith(".h5"): path_save += ".h5" self.save_volts(path_save, ts, volts) return ts, volts else: return volts
[docs] def save_volts(self, path, times, volts): if os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("file already exist, give an other name file") with h5py.File(path, "w-") as f: f["t"] = times f["voltrho"] = volts[0] if self._has_temp: f["voltT"] = volts[1] f["date"] = time.ctime(int(time.time())) if os.path.exists(self.files_calib[0] + ".h5"): f["calibration/file_calibration_rho"] = self.files_calib[0] if not hasattr(self, "coeffs_rho"): ( rho_old, voltrho_old, T_old, voltT_old, date_old, ) = self.load_calibration("rho") if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size >= 1: self.fit_rho_vs_voltrho(rho_old, voltrho_old) f["calibration/coeffsrho"] = self.coeffsrho else: f["calibration/coeffsrho"] = self.coeffsrho if self._has_temp and os.path.exists(self.files_calib[1] + ".h5"): f["calibration/file_calibration_T"] = self.files_calib[1] if not hasattr(self, "coeffs_T"): ( rho_old, voltrho_old, T_old, voltT_old, date_old, ) = self.load_calibration("T") if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size >= 1: self.fit_T_vs_voltT(T_old, voltT_old) f["calibration/coeffsT"] = self.coeffsT else: f["calibration/coeffsT"] = self.coeffsT
[docs] def measure_density(self): time, voltages = self.measure_volts(duration=2) voltrho = np.mean(voltages[0]) rho = self.rho_from_voltrho(voltrho) return rho
################################################# # PROFILE DENSITE
[docs] def profile_by_hand(self, file_profile, z, duration=2): voltages = np.empty(2) # measure voltages answer = query.query( f"\nPut the probe at z= {z}\n" + "Ready? [Y / no, cancel the calibration] " ) if answer.startswith("n"): print("Calibration cancelled...") return volts = self.measure_volts(duration, return_time=False) print(volts) header = f"profile for z={z}" np.savetxt("temp_calib.txt", volts.transpose(), header=header) voltages = np.mean(volts, axis=1) print("voltrho= {} ; at z=: {} kg/m3".format(volts[0], z)) self.plot_profile(file_profile, z=z, voltrho=voltages[0]) if query.query_yes_no("Are you happy with this measurement?"): self.save_profile_by_hand(file_profile, z, voltages)
[docs] def save_profile_by_hand(self, file_profile, z, volts): """Saves the results of a calibration.""" print("Save the results of the profile in file:", file_profile) z_old, voltrho_old, voltT_old, date_old = self.load_profile(file_profile) if _isarray(z_old) and z_old.size >= 1: z = np.append(z_old, z) voltrho = np.append(voltrho_old, volts[0]) voltT = np.append(voltT_old, volts[1]) date = np.append(date_old, time.ctime(int(time.time()))) else: z = np.array(z) voltrho = np.array(volts[0]) voltT = np.array(volts[1]) date = np.array(time.ctime(int(time.time()))) if not os.path.exists(file_profile + ".h5"): mode = "a" else: mode = "w" with h5py.File(file_profile + ".h5", mode) as f: f["z"] = z f["voltrho"] = voltrho f["voltT"] = voltT f["date"] = date
[docs] def load_profile(self, file_profile): """Loads the data from the previous profile.""" z, voltrho, voltT, date = [], [], [], [] if not file_profile.endswith(".h5"): file_profile += ".h5" if not os.path.exists(file_profile): return z, voltrho, voltT, date else: with h5py.File(file_profile, "r") as f: z = f["z"].value voltrho = f["voltrho"].value voltT = f["voltT"].value date = f["date"].value return z, voltrho, voltT, date
[docs] def plot_profile(self, file_profile, z=None, voltrho=None): """Plots the measurements of the save profile.""" # plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rho (kg/l)$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$z$ (m)") # ax.set_xlim([0.95, 1.25]) z_old, voltrho_old, voltT_old, date_old = self.load_profile(file_profile) rho_old = self.rho_from_voltrho(voltrho_old) # load all saved profile if _isarray(z_old) and z_old.size >= 1: ax.plot(rho_old, z_old, "xg") if _isarray(z_old) and z_old.size > 1: self.fit_profile(rho_old, z_old) rhos_for_plot = np.linspace(rho_old.min(), rho_old.max(), 200) ax.plot(rhos_for_plot, self.z_from_rho(rhos_for_plot), "k-") if z is not None and voltrho is not None: ax.plot(self.rho_from_voltrho(voltrho), z, "xr")
[docs] def plot_profiles(self, file_profiles): # file_profile is an array of strings for profile in file_profiles: z, voltrho, voltT, date = self.load_profile(profile) rho = self.rho_from_voltrho(voltrho) plt.plot(rho, z) plt.title("Density profile") plt.xlabel("Density") plt.ylabel("Vertical position z") plt.grid(True) plt.legend(file_profiles)
[docs] def fit_profile(self, z, rho): """Creates a function from data.""" coeffs = np.polyfit(z, rho, deg=1) self.z_from_rho = np.poly1d(coeffs) self.coeffsprofile = coeffs
########################################################################### # CALIBRATION
[docs] def prepare_calibration(self, rho_min=1, rho_max=1.18, nb_solutions=6): """Gives indications to prepare a calibration.""" rhos = np.linspace(rho_min, rho_max, nb_solutions) print("Possible densities:") print("rhos:", rhos) print( "These solutions can be prepared by mixing the two " "first solutions with extreme densities with the following " "volume ratio: \nV_rho_max/V_tot :", (rhos - rho_min) / (rho_max - rho_min), )
[docs] def calibrate(self, rho, T, duration=2.0): r"""Calibrates the probe. Parameters ---------- rho : The density :math:`\rho` of the sample (in kg/l)). T : Temperature in C duration : number The duration of one measurement (in s). Notes ----- :math:`\rho(C)` and :math:`U(C, T)`, where :math:`C` the concentration, :math:`U` the voltage and :math:`T` the temperature. """ answer = query.query( f"\nPut the probe in solution with rho = {rho}\n" + "Ready? [Y / no, cancel the calibration] " ) if answer.startswith("n"): print("Calibration cancelled...") return happy = False while not happy: volts = self.measure_volts(duration, return_time=False) header = "calibration for rho=" "{}, T= {}\nVolt rho, Volt T".format( rho, T ) np.savetxt("tmp_calib.txt", volts.transpose(), header=header) voltages = volts.mean(axis=1) print("solution rho: {} kg/l; voltage: {}".format(rho, voltages[0])) # print('solution T: {} ; voltage: {} V'.format(T, voltages[1])) happy = query.query_yes_no("Are you happy with this measurement?") self.plot_calibration(rho=rho, voltrho=voltages[0]) if query.query_yes_no("Should the new point be saved?"): self.save_calibration(rho, T, voltages, "rho")
[docs] def calibrate_temperature(self, rho, T, duration=2.0): r"""Calibrates the temperature probe. Parameters ---------- rho : The density :math:`\rho` of the sample (in kg/l). T : Temperature in C duration : number The duration of one measurement (in s). Notes ----- :math:`\rho(C)` and :math:`U(C, T)`, where :math:`C` the concentration, :math:`U` the voltage and :math:`T` the temperature. """ answer = query.query( f"\nPut the probe in solution at T = {T}\n" + "Ready? [Y / no, cancel the calibration] " ) if answer.startswith("n"): print("Calibration cancelled...") return happy = False while not happy: volts = self.measure_volts(duration, return_time=False) header = ( "calibration for rho=" "{}, T= {} \n Volt rho, Volt T".format(rho, T) ) np.savetxt("tmp_calib.txt", volts.transpose(), header=header) voltages = np.mean(volts, axis=1) print("solution T: {} ; voltage: {} V".format(T, voltages[1])) happy = query.query_yes_no("Are you happy with this measurement?") self.plot_calibration_T(T=T, voltT=voltages[1]) if query.query_yes_no("Should the new point be saved?"): self.save_calibration(rho, T, voltages, "T")
[docs] def save_calibration(self, rho, T, volts, kind_of_calib): """Saves the results of a calibration.""" if kind_of_calib == "rho": file_calib = self.files_calib[0] elif kind_of_calib == "T": file_calib = self.files_calib[1] file_calib += ".h5" print("Save the results of the calibration in file:", file_calib) rho_old, voltrho_old, T_old, voltT_old, date_old = self.load_calibration( kind_of_calib ) if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size >= 1: rho = np.append(rho_old, rho) voltrho = np.append(voltrho_old, volts[0]) if self._has_temp: T = np.append(T_old, T) voltT = np.append(voltT_old, volts[1]) date = np.append(date_old, time.ctime(int(time.time()))) else: rho = np.array(rho) voltrho = np.array(volts[0]) if self._has_temp: T = np.array(T) voltT = np.array(volts[1]) date = np.array(time.ctime(int(time.time()))) if not os.path.exists(file_calib): mode = "a" else: mode = "w" with h5py.File(file_calib, mode) as f: f["rho"] = rho f["voltrho"] = voltrho if self._has_temp: f["T"] = T f["voltT"] = voltT f["date"] = date
[docs] def load_calibration(self, kind_of_calib): """Loads the data from the previous calibrations.""" if kind_of_calib == "rho": file_calib = self.files_calib[0] elif kind_of_calib == "T": file_calib = self.files_calib[1] file_calib += ".h5" return load_calibration(file_calib)
[docs] def plot_calibration(self, rho=None, voltrho=None): """Plots the measurements of the saved calibrations for rho.""" # plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rho$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$U$ (V)") # ax.set_xlim([0.95, 1.25]) # load all saved calibrations rho_old, voltrho_old, T_old, voltT_old, date_old = self.load_calibration( "rho" ) if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size >= 1: ax.plot(rho_old, voltrho_old, "xg") if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size > 1: self.fit_rho_vs_voltrho(rho_old, voltrho_old) volts_for_plot = np.linspace( voltrho_old.min(), voltrho_old.max(), 200 ) ax.plot(self.rho_from_voltrho(volts_for_plot), volts_for_plot, "k-") if rho is not None and voltrho is not None: ax.plot(rho, voltrho, "xr")
[docs] def plot_calibration_T(self, T=None, voltT=None): """Plots the measurements of the saved calibrations for T.""" fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"$T (C)$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$U$ (V)") # ax.set_xlim([0.95, 1.25]) # load all saved calibrations rho_old, voltrho_old, T_old, voltT_old, date_old = self.load_calibration( "T" ) if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size >= 1: ax.plot(T_old, voltT_old, "xg") if _isarray(rho_old) and rho_old.size > 1: self.fit_T_vs_voltT(T_old, voltT_old) ax.plot(T_old, voltT_old, "xg") volts_for_plot = np.linspace(voltT_old.min(), voltT_old.max(), 200) ax.plot(self.T_from_voltT(volts_for_plot), volts_for_plot, "k-") if T is not None and voltT is not None: ax.plot(T, voltT, "xr")
# fits of calibration data points
[docs] def fit_rho_vs_voltrho(self, rho, voltrho): """Creates a function from data.""" if len(rho) < 3: deg = 1 elif len(rho) < 5: deg = 2 else: deg = 3 coeffs = np.polyfit(voltrho, rho, deg=deg) self.rho_from_voltrho = np.poly1d(coeffs) self.coeffsrho = coeffs
[docs] def T_from_voltT(self, voltT): tmp = (np.log(voltT - self.voltToff) - self.coeffsT[1]) / self.coeffsT[0] Ti = 1.0 / tmp - 273.15 return Ti
[docs] def fit_T_vs_voltT(self, T, voltT): """Creates a function from data.""" y = np.log(voltT - self.voltToff) x = 1.0 / (T + 273.15) self.coeffsT = np.polyfit(x, y, deg=1)