Source code for fluidlab.objects.tanks

"""Tanks (:mod:`fluidlab.objects.tanks`)

.. _tanks:
.. currentmodule:: fluidlab.objects.tanks

.. todo:: Solve a bug loading the tank (about values Rin, Rout...).


.. autoclass:: DensityProfile

.. autoclass:: Surface

.. autoclass:: StratifiedTank

.. autoclass:: TaylorCouette


from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np

import os
import h5py

import fluiddyn.output.figs as figs
from fluiddyn.calcul.signal import FunctionLinInterp
import as query
from fluiddyn.util.timer import Timer

from fluidlab.objects.pumps import MasterFlexPumps

[docs]class DensityProfile(FunctionLinInterp): """Represent the density profile as a function of the height. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Position. rho : array_like Surface. Attributes ---------- z: `numpy.ndarray` Position. rho: `numpy.ndarray` Density profile. """ def __init__(self, z, rho): super().__init__(z, rho) if any([r1 < r2 for r1, r2 in zip(rho, rho[1:])]): raise ValueError("rho must decrease!", rho) self.z = np.array(z, dtype=float) self.rho = np.array(rho, dtype=float)
[docs] def plot(self): """Plot the density profile.""" figures = figs.Figures() fig = figures.new_figure( name_file="fig_function", fig_width_mm=190, fig_height_mm=150, size_axe=[0.13, 0.16, 0.84, 0.76], ) ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rho$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$z$ (mm)") ax.plot(self.rho, self.z, "k-.")
[docs]class Surface(FunctionLinInterp): """Represent the surface as a function of the height. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Position. S : array_like Surface. Attributes ---------- z: `numpy.ndarray` Position. S: `numpy.ndarray` Surface. """ def __init__(self, z, S): super().__init__(z, S) self.z = np.array(z, dtype=float) self.S = np.array(S, dtype=float)
[docs]class StratifiedTank: """Represent a tank with a density profile. Parameters ---------- H : {520, number}, optional Height (in mm). S : {100, number}, optional Surface (in mm). dico_profile : dict, optional Characteristics of the profile. pumps : :class:`fluidlab.objects.pumps.MasterFlexPumps` Represent the pumps. str_path : str Related to the path of the associated directory. """ def __init__( self, H=520, S=100, z=None, rho=None, dico_profile=None, pumps=None, str_path=None, ): if str_path is None: self._create(H, S, z, rho, dico_profile) else: self._load(str_path) self.S = self.surface.S[0] self.z_max = self.profile.x.max() self._compute_volume() self.volume_mliter = self.volume / 1e3 if pumps is not None: self.pumps = pumps def _compute_volume(self): """Initialise the instance variable `volume`.""" self.volume = self.S * self.z_max def _create(self, H, S, z, rho, dico_profile): """Initialisation.""" self.H = float(H) self.S = float(S) self.surface = Surface([0, self.H], [self.S, self.S]) if z is None and rho is None: self.dico_profile = dico_profile if dico_profile["keyword"].startswith("linear"): z, rho = self._compute_linear_profile() elif dico_profile["keyword"].startswith("step"): z, rho = self._compute_step_profile() elif dico_profile["keyword"].startswith("homo_middle"): z, rho = self._compute_homo_middle() else: raise ValueError("error value for dico_profile") self.profile = DensityProfile(z, rho) def _compute_linear_profile(self): """Compute a linear profile.""" z_max = self.dico_profile["z_max"] rho_max = self.dico_profile["rho_max"] rho_min = self.dico_profile["rho_min"] try: depth_homo = self.dico_profile["depth_homo"] except KeyError: depth_homo = 0 z = [0, depth_homo, z_max - depth_homo, z_max] rho = [rho_max, rho_max, rho_min, rho_min] return z, rho def _compute_step_profile(self): """Compute a step profile.""" z_max = self.dico_profile["z_max"] rho_max = self.dico_profile["rho_max"] rho_min = self.dico_profile["rho_min"] hstep = self.dico_profile["hstep"] z = [0, hstep, hstep, z_max] rho = [rho_max, rho_max, rho_min, rho_min] return z, rho def _compute_homo_middle(self): """Compute a profile with a homogeneous layer.""" z_max = self.dico_profile["z_max"] rho_max = self.dico_profile["rho_max"] rho_min = self.dico_profile["rho_min"] depth_strat = self.dico_profile["depth_strat"] z = [0, depth_strat, z_max - depth_strat, z_max] rho_middle = (rho_max + rho_min) / 2 rho = [rho_max, rho_middle, rho_middle, rho_min] return z, rho
[docs] def save(self, path_save): """Save in a file tank.h5""" if not path_save.endswith(".h5"): path_h5_file = path_save + "/tank.h5" if os.path.exists(path_h5_file): raise ValueError("The file already exists.") with h5py.File(path_h5_file, "w") as f: f.attrs["class_name"] = self.__class__.__name__ f.attrs["module_name"] = self.__module__ f.attrs["H"] = self.H f.attrs["volume_mliter"] = self.volume_mliter group1 = f.create_group("surface") group1.create_dataset("z", data=self.surface.z) group1.create_dataset("S", data=self.surface.S) group2 = f.create_group("profile") group2.create_dataset("z", data=self.profile.z) group2.create_dataset("rho", data=self.profile.rho)
def _load(self, str_path): """Load from a file tank.h5""" if not str_path.endswith("tank.h5"): path_h5_file = os.path.join(str_path, "tank.h5") else: path_h5_file = str_path if not os.path.exists(path_h5_file): raise ValueError("The file does not exists.") with h5py.File(path_h5_file, "r") as f: self.H = f.attrs["H"] self.volume_mliter = f.attrs["volume_mliter"] group = f["surface"] z = group["z"][...] S = group["S"][...] self.surface = Surface(z, S) group = f["profile"] z = group["z"][...] rho = group["rho"][...] self.profile = DensityProfile(z, rho)
[docs] def fill(self, dt=1, pumps=False, hastoplot=True, vol_tube=142.0): """Fill the tank. Parameters ---------- dt : {2, number}, optional Time interval (in s) between the change of flow rate. pumps : {False, :class:`fluidlab.objects.pumps.MasterFlexPumps`}, optional If False, an instance is created. hastoplot : {True, False}, optional if True, plot the density profile. Notes ----- Warning: I would advice not to use the "quick-edit option" of the command prompt in Windows since when you click on the command prompt window, a charactere is selected and when any characteres are selected, the output (and the program!) is frozen. This is unbelivable how bug-generating is it! Attaboy Windows! """ if isinstance(pumps, (bool)): PUMP = pumps pumps = MasterFlexPumps(nb_pumps=2) elif isinstance(pumps, MasterFlexPumps): PUMP = True if not PUMP: print( """ Warning: can not fill without pumps. It will only perform a test of the filling. To really fill the tank, set argument pumps to True or to an instance of class MasterFlexPumps.\n""" ) else: to_print = """ Warning: Before really fill the tank, the tube have to be filled with the correct density profile. During the filling of the tube, put the end of the tube out of the tank. Are you ready?""" if not query.query_yes_no(to_print): return vol_to_pump = self.volume_mliter + vol_tube flowrate_tot = 0.8 * pumps.flow_rates_max.min() # (ml/min) time_fill = vol_to_pump / flowrate_tot print(f"flowrate_tot: {flowrate_tot:6.2f} ml/min") print(f"vol_to_pump: {vol_to_pump:6.2f} ml") print(f"time for the filling: {time_fill:5.2f} min") rhomin = np.min(self.profile.rho) rhomax = np.max(self.profile.rho) dt_min = dt / 60 # (min) dvolume = dt_min * flowrate_tot # (ml) t = 0 vol_pumped = 0 z_fluid_injected = self.z_max h_pumped = 0 tube_filled = False lh_pumped = [] lrho = [] lrho_test = [] lflowrate_rhomax = [] if PUMP: pumps.go() timer = Timer(dt) while vol_pumped < vol_to_pump - dvolume: dh = ( dvolume * 1e3 / self.surface(z_fluid_injected) # (mm^3) # (mm^2) ) # (mm) h_pumped += dh z_fluid_injected = self.z_max - h_pumped if z_fluid_injected < 0: z_fluid_injected = 0 rho_fluid_injected = self.profile(z_fluid_injected) flowrate_rhomax = ( flowrate_tot * (rho_fluid_injected - rhomin) / (rhomax - rhomin) ) # (ml) flowrate_rhomin = flowrate_tot - flowrate_rhomax # (ml) if PUMP: pumps.set_flow_rate([flowrate_rhomin, flowrate_rhomax]) rho_test = ( rhomax * flowrate_rhomax + rhomin * flowrate_rhomin ) / flowrate_tot t += dt vol_pumped += dvolume lh_pumped.append(h_pumped) lrho.append(rho_fluid_injected) lrho_test.append(rho_test) lflowrate_rhomax.append(flowrate_rhomax) if PUMP: timer.wait_tick() print( "volume pumped / volume to pump = {:5.4f}".format( vol_pumped / vol_to_pump ), end="\r", ) if vol_pumped >= vol_tube and not tube_filled and PUMP: tube_filled = True pumps.stop() to_print = """ Now the tube should be filled with the correct density profile. You can put the end of the tube in the tank! Are you ready?""" if not query.query_yes_no(to_print): return pumps.go() if PUMP: pumps.stop() print("\nThe filling is finished.") if hastoplot: h = np.array(lh_pumped) t = dt * np.arange(0.0, len(lh_pumped)) t /= 60 # (min) rho = np.array(lrho) rho_test = np.array(lrho_test) # flow_rhomax = np.array(lflowrate_rhomax) # plot figures = figs.Figures() size_axe = [0.13, 0.16, 0.84, 0.76] fig = figures.new_figure( name_file="fig_rho_t", fig_width_mm=190, fig_height_mm=150, size_axe=size_axe, ) ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rho$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$t$ (min)") ax.plot(rho, t, "k-.") ax.plot(rho_test, t, "r-.") fig = figures.new_figure( name_file="fig_rho_h", fig_width_mm=190, fig_height_mm=150, size_axe=size_axe, ) ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rho$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$h$ (mm)") ax.plot(rho, h, "k-.") ax.plot(rho_test, h, "r-.")
[docs]class TaylorCouette(StratifiedTank): """Represent a Taylor-Couette tank.""" def __init__( self, Rin=100, Rout=240, H=520, z=None, rho=None, dico_profile=None, str_path=None, ): self.Rin = Rin self.Rout = Rout super().__init__( H=H, S=np.pi * (self.Rout ** 2 - self.Rin ** 2), z=z, rho=rho, dico_profile=dico_profile, str_path=str_path, )
def test_profiles(): rho_max = 1.084 rho_min = 1.0 Delta_rho = rho_max - rho_min z_max = 500.0 S = 300.0 tankL = StratifiedTank( H=z_max + 10, S=S, dico_profile={ "keyword": "linear", "z_max": z_max, "depth_homo": 50, "rho_max": rho_max, "rho_min": rho_min, }, ) tankS = StratifiedTank( H=z_max + 10, S=S, dico_profile={ "keyword": "step", "z_max": z_max, "hstep": 200, "rho_max": rho_max, "rho_min": rho_min, }, ) tankH = StratifiedTank( H=z_max + 10, S=S, dico_profile={ "keyword": "homo_middle", "z_max": z_max, "depth_strat": 50, "rho_max": rho_max, "rho_min": rho_min, }, ) zs = z_max * np.array([0, 1.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3, 1]) rhos = rho_min + Delta_rho * np.array([1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0]) tank_test = StratifiedTank(H=z_max + 10, S=80 ** 2, z=zs, rho=rhos) # plot figures = figs.Figures() fig = figures.new_figure( name_file="fig_strat_tank", fig_width_mm=190, fig_height_mm=150, size_axe=[0.12, 0.19, 0.84, 0.76], ) ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"density") ax.set_ylabel(r"$z$") ax.plot(tankL.profile.rho, tankL.profile.z, "ko:") ax.plot(tankS.profile.rho, tankS.profile.z, "ro:") ax.plot(tankH.profile.rho, tankH.profile.z, "yo:") ax.plot(tank_test.profile.rho, tank_test.profile.z, "go:") for z in np.arange(0, z_max, 10): ax.plot(tankL.profile(z), z, "ks") ax.plot(tankS.profile(z), z, "rs") ax.plot(tankH.profile(z), z, "ys") ax.plot(tank_test.profile(z), z, "ys") ax.set_xlim([0.95, 1.2]) def test_save(): rho_max = 1.084 rho_min = 1.0 Delta_rho = rho_max - rho_min z_max = 400 zs = z_max * np.array([0, 1.0 / 6, 5.0 / 6, 1]) rhos = rho_min + Delta_rho * np.array([1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0]) tank = TaylorCouette(Rin=300, Rout=520, z=zs, rho=rhos) # tank = StratifiedTank(H=z_max, S=80**2, z=zs, rho=rhos) return tank def test_load(): return TaylorCouette(str_path=os.getcwd()) # return StratifiedTank(str_path=os.getcwd()) if __name__ == "__main__": # test_profiles() # tank = test_save() tank = test_load()